Uncontested Divorce Lawyers in Nashville, TN
Completing the Tennessee divorce process as rapidly and painlessly as possible is a goal for many couples who wish to avoid the time, money, and stress of court proceedings. A divorce in which issues are disputed, and couples cannot reach mutually beneficial settlement terms can drag on for months.
These proceedings can take a substantial financial, emotional, and psychological toll on all parties involved, including children. They are called “contested” divorces and call for the representation of savvy and tenacious litigators.
An uncontested divorce is one where both parties have mutually agreed on all significant aspects of ending the marriage, allowing for a more straightforward process. They are faster, less expensive, and less stressful and can be achieved through negotiations outside court. In cases where spouses do not have children, marital property and assets, or alimony requests, the process can be completed efficiently.
However, even couples with children and property can work out the terms of their divorce settlement without resorting to litigation by using divorce mediation. Once they have achieved these terms, their agreement can be forwarded to the court for approval.
If you seek an uncontested divorce, our attorneys at Flexer Law can help you draft all the paperwork, documentation, and marital dissolution agreement, which can then be submitted to the court. We offer detailed attention and care to facilitate this smoother transition for clients throughout Middle Tennessee.
The Simplified or Agreed Divorce in Tennessee
The simplified or “agreed” divorce is uncontested and the fastest and most cost-effective; it often can take as little as 60 to 90 days to complete. However, you and your spouse must agree on all factors relevant to your case, such as the division of marital property and debt, child custody and visitation, child support, and alimony. You must not need the intervention of a judge in family court proceedings.
Request a confidential consultation with a Nashville uncontested divorce attorney by submitting our online contact form or by calling (615) 805-6374.
How to Prepare for an Uncontested Divorce
Before filing for an uncontested divorce, it’s important to prepare thoroughly. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Gather Financial Documents
Collect all relevant financial documents, including:
- Bank statements
- Tax returns
- Retirement accounts
- Property ownership records
- Credit card statements
Discuss Property Division
Agree on how marital property, assets, and debts will be divided. This includes:
- Real estate
- Vehicles
- Joint bank accounts
- Debts like credit cards and loans
Create a Parenting Plan (if applicable)
If you have children, develop a Parenting Plan that addresses:
- Custody arrangements
- Visitation schedules
- Child support
Communicate Effectively with Your Spouse
Open and honest communication is key for a smooth, uncontested divorce. Focus on:
- Listening to each other’s concerns
- Being patient and understanding
- Keeping discussions respectful and focused on finding solutions
The Role of Divorce Mediation in Uncontested Divorces
Divorce mediation can be a helpful tool when spouses can’t reach full agreement. Here’s why:
- Neutral Third-Party: A mediator is a neutral party who helps guide the discussion and ensures both spouses have a chance to be heard.
- Conflict Resolution: Mediation encourages problem-solving and creative solutions to help resolve disputes, such as property division or custody arrangements.
- Agreed Settlement: Mediation can result in an amicable settlement, saving time and money compared to a contested divorce.
Even if full agreement hasn’t been reached, mediation can bring both sides closer to a mutually agreeable solution.
What Happens if We Can't Agree on Certain Terms?
Sometimes, disagreements arise on specific issues. Here’s what to do if that happens:
- Seek Professional Help: If you can’t agree on certain terms like property division or child custody, consider hiring a mediator or divorce lawyer to help facilitate discussions.
- Evaluate Your Options: If mediation doesn’t work, you may have to consider a contested divorce. This involves court intervention to resolve the disputed issues.
- Take Time to Reconsider: If possible, take time to re-evaluate your positions and find common ground before taking the matter to court.
In an uncontested divorce, flexibility and compromise are key to ensuring a smooth process.

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The Simplified or Agreed Divorce in Tennessee
The simplified or “agreed” divorce is uncontested and the fastest and most cost-effective; it often can take as little as 60 to 90 days to complete. However, you and your spouse must agree on all factors relevant to your case, such as the division of marital property and debt, child custody and visitation, child support, and alimony. You must not need the intervention of a judge in family court proceedings.
Ready to start your uncontested divorce? Contact us today at (615) 805-6374 for a free consultation!
Requirements for Filing an “Agreed” Divorce in Tennessee
The simplified process for filing an uncontested or “agreed” divorce can proceed if you meet the following qualifications in a “no-fault” case:
- You do not own real estate
- You do not own a business together
- You do not have children under 18, or in high school, or who are disabled
- Neither spouse is pregnant
- You do not have retirement accounts or benefits
- You both agree to dissolve the marriage
- You agree on how your shared property will be divided
- You agree on alimony (whether it will provided, its amount, and duration)
- At least one of you meets the state residency requirements
If you have minor children, as mentioned above, you can still get an uncontested divorce, providing you agree on child support and a Parenting Plan that covers custody arrangements that align with the court’s policy of being in the child(ren)’s best interests.
The Benefits of Working with Flexer Law
The benefits of having an attorney for an uncontested divorce are substantial.
While it may seem straightforward, legal nuances can arise, and having an attorney ensures that:
- All required documentation is accurately completed and filed.
- The settlement agreement is fair and considers the legal rights of both parties.
- Potential legal issues are identified and addressed proactively.